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online 17 Goals Wheel of Fortune. Please
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This is how our knowledge quiz on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations works:
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Coordination: Welthaus Stuttgart e.V. |
Below you will find all 20 sponsoring associations of the alliance.
With a click on the logo you will be redirected to the website of the respective club
Our wish was to digitize and expand the already existing analog Wheel of Fortune on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in order to make it accessible to the public and more flexible overall. To make the design as inclusive as possible, easy and difficult questions were developed for different age groups and a translation of the content into English was made. In addition, the pictures from Stuttgart, which correspond to the content of the questions, make the quiz seem more lively, attractive and tangible. Through the playful approach, with the essential tasks for our future, society should be sensitized to the various topics of sustainability and the understanding of the interrelationships between them facilitated. |
This SDG online quiz could be financed with the help of a successful crowdfunding campaign by Stadtwerke Stuttgart and with support from fairplaid project coaches.
On behalf of the entire alliance, we would like to thank all donors as well as the municipal utilities and fairplaid for their help in implementing this project.
We would also like to express our gratitude to the public supporters!
Alexandra Joerger-Marhabi | Ars Narrandi e.V. | Giovane Elber Foundation | Andreas Wenzel |
vhs stuttgart | Climate and Environment Alliance Stuttgart | Astrid Ley | EZBET e.V. |
German United Nations Association (LV Baden-Württemberg)
Paulina Hertzsch, Esma Kizilaslan, Joanna Vafiadis, as well as Dieter Bareis, Vincent Grgic, Julia Keilbach, Martina Merklinger, Sophie Mok, Daria Tusupow
This page contains links to websites where you can find a lot of further information on all sustainability topics. Likewise, we refer to regional and global institutions that are related to the respective SDG.
General information on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda:
For children and teenagers:
SDG 1 - No poverty
eva - Evangelical Society Stuttgart e.V.
SDG 2 - No hunger
foodsharing cafe caterpillar immersatt
For children and teenagers:
SDG 3 - Health and well-being
Social services and counseling
SDG 4 - Quality education
Adult Education Center Stuttgart
Education for sustainable development
Welthaus Stuttgart e.V. - Global Classroom
Dachverband Entwicklungspolitik Baden-Württemberg
Catholic Education Center Stuttgart
For children and teenagers:
SDG 5 - Gender equality
Ministry of Social Affairs Baden-Württemberg
Lesbian and Gay Association BW
SDG 6 - Clean water and sanitation
Environmental Handbook Stuttgart: Drinking Water
SDG 7 - Affordable and clean energy
SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth
For children and teenagers:
Wirtschaftsjunioren Stuttgart e.V.
SDG 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
German Society for Sustainable Building
Cargo Bike Initiative Stuttgart
Urban Planning Institute Stuttgart
For children and teenagers:
SDG 10 - Reduce inequalities
Initiativgruppe Homosexualität Stuttgart e.V.
SDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
Repair instead of throwing away
Association for Sustainability Stuttgart
SDG 12 - Sustainable consumption and production
SDG 13 - Climate protection
Climate and Environment Alliance Stuttgart (KUS)
For children and teenagers:
SDG 14 - Life under water
SDG 15 - Life on land
For children and teenagers:
SDG 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions
For children and teenagers:
SDG 17 - Partnerships to achieve the goals
Welthaus Stuttgart e.V.
Charlottenplatz 17
70173 Stuttgart
Tel: 0711-315163-48/ -49
Register entry: Registered
in the register of associations
Register court: Stuttgart
Register number: Local court Stuttgart VR 721274
Represented by:
The board of Welthaus Stuttgart e.V.
(Management: Martina Merklinger)
Responsible for the content (acc. to § 55 para. 2 RStV):
Welthaus Stuttgart e.V.
Image rights:
SDG 6: Lillith Enslin / Michael Latz
SDG 5, 9, 10: Dieter Bareis / KUS
SDG 15: vhs ökostation
Further Images: Kaarina Bauer / Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
All other images are private shots.
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Please select a question on SDG
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
What does the abbreviation SDG stand for?
The abbreviation SDG stands for Sustainable Development Goals.
Into which thematic areas can the 17 SDGs be divided?
The 17 SDGs represent a global agenda for the sustainable development of social, economic and environmental goals. These are intended to enable a decent life worldwide.
https://www.welthaus-stuttgart.de/Which organization adopted the 2030 Agenda in 2015?
In September 2015, the United Nations adopted the "Sustainable Development Goals", also known as "Agenda 2030", as part of the General Assembly. These are to be implemented by 2030 with the cooperation of all countries and people.
https://sdgs.un.org/goalsWhat do the 17 SDGs advocate?
There are a total of 17 SDGs, i.e. sustainable development goals, which represent a roadmap, so to speak, for a future worth living with more peace and justice.
https://sdg-entdecker.de/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRiC7QtAjLsPlease select a question on SDG 1 - no poverty
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
What is the difference between relative and absolute poverty?
A person is in "absolute poverty" if he or she cannot afford to satisfy his or her basic economic and social needs. "Relative poverty" describes poverty in relation to a person's respective social and societal environment.
https://www.vesperkirche.de/Where are there the most working children in the world?
In sub-Saharan Africa, most children, around 72 million, have to work. Over the past 20 years, the numbers had declined significantly, but due to the Corona pandemic, the risk of child labor is rising again.
What percentage of the population in Baden-Württemberg was at risk of poverty in 2021?
16.4% of the population in Baden-Württemberg were at risk of poverty in 2021. This roughly corresponds to the national level of 16.6%. People are considered at risk of poverty if they have so few resources at their disposal compared to the rest of the population that material, social and cultural participation in life is only possible to a very limited extent.
https://www.nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.de/indikatorenbericht-2022/indikatoren/seite?tx_news_pi1%5BoverwriteDemand%5D%5Bcategories%5D=668&cHash=1feeda395c974a8c2698729ba8d7b3b2How many people were affected by homelessness in Baden-Württemberg in 2023?
In Baden-Württemberg, 76,500 people were affected by homelessness in 2023. However, only people who are housed in emergency housing assistance facilities can be counted reliably.
https://sozialministerium.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/soziales/leistungen-unterstuetzung/soziale-leistungen/wohnungslosenhilfePlease select a question on SDG 2 - zero hunger
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
There was a great famine in Stuttgart in 1816. The end of the famine in 1818 was celebrated with a big festival. It has been held in Stuttgart every year since then. What is the name of the festival?
Since the first (Cannstatt) folk festival, there has been a towering column, decorated with many fruits, grains and vegetables, to commemorate the agricultural origins of the festival.
https://foodsharing.de/https://solawis.de/https://www.tafel-stuttgart.de/How many people die each year in Germany due to malnutrition (too much fat, salt and sugar)?
It is about 160,000 people a year. In extreme contrast to this is the number of 811 million people currently suffering from hunger worldwide and two billion people suffering from malnutrition.
https://www.plattsalat.de/https://weltlaeden.de/stuttgart/https://www.raupeimmersatt.de/When does one officially speak of a famine in a country?
When the UN or the country's government declares famine based on certain criteria, such as emaciation, growth retardation, and child mortality. These criteria are used to calculate the World Hunger Index (WHI), which calculates the risk of famine in a country.
https://www.maerkte-stuttgart.de/https://www.schuettgut-stuttgart.de/Which of these foods are not vegetarian?
A vegetarian does not eat meat or fish, due to moral, religious, or health reasons. A vegetarian or even vegan diet is seen as a climate-friendly measure, as it produces fewer CO2 emissions.
https://www.slowmobil-stuttgart.de/Please select a question on SDG 3 - good health and well-being
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
How many people did not have health insurance in Germany in 2019?
In 2019, approximately 61,000 people in Germany did not have health insurance. The trend is rising. People with low incomes are particularly affected.
https://www.destatis.de/DE/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2020/09/PD20_365_23.htmlBy how many years is life expectancy in Germany higher than in India?
Life expectancy in Germany is approximately 80.95 years on average, while in India it is 69.4 years. This is about 11.5 years less than in our country. Prerequisites for high life expectancy are, for example, good medical care, constant and balanced nutrition and a supply of drinking water.
https://www.lebenshilfe-stuttgart.de/What is the percentage of blood donors in Germany?
47% of all people in Germany have donated blood at some point, but only 3% are regular donors. The Corona pandemic resulted in a particular shortage of blood donations.
http://www.aidshilfe-stuttgart.de/index.php?article_id=709How many liters of water should a child drink a day?
A child should drink an average of 1 l of water a day. This is important because water transports nutrients and is needed for the body's metabolic processes. You often notice that you haven't drink enough when you have a headache or are tired.
Please select a question on SDG 4 - quality education
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
How many children worldwide cannot go to school?
More than 260 million children worldwide do not have the opportunity to go to school. Due to poverty, wars or other crises. Often, certain groups, for example girls or children with special needs, are excluded from schooling.
How many students were enrolled at a university in Baden-Württemberg in 2022?
In 2022, a total of 354,700 students were enrolled at universities in Baden-Württemberg.
https://mwk.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/service/presse/pressemitteilung/pid/statistisches-landesamt-wieder-mehr-erstsemester-an-baden-wuerttembergischen-hochschulenWhat percentage of children between the ages of 3 and 6 in Baden-Württemberg took advantage of all-day childcare in 2021?
In 2021, 24.4% of 3- and 6-year-olds took advantage of all-day care. For children under the age of 3, this figure was 10.7%. The figures in Baden-Württemberg are well below the national average.
https://www.nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.de/indikatorenbericht-2022/indikatoren/seite?tx_news_pi1%5BoverwriteDemand%5D%5Bcategories%5D=645&cHash=2b378aa70b3943ff38b70b8aae88a7c8How many pupils in Baden-Württemberg received special educational needs support in 2020/21?
In 2020/21, 78,000 pupils in Baden-Württemberg received special educational needs support. Around 9,000 children and young people with an established entitlement to special educational needs take advantage of inclusive education at a mainstream school.
https://www.nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.de/indikatorenbericht-2022/indikatoren/seite?tx_news_pi1%5BoverwriteDemand%5D%5Bcategories%5D=645&cHash=2b378aa70b3943ff38b70b8aae88a7c8Please select a question on SDG 5 - gender equality
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
Since when is a woman allowed to be gainfully employed in Germany without her husband's consent?
This has been regulated by law since 1977. Although women today have better opportunities than in the past, they continue to be paid less for the same work, are assigned management positions less frequently, and take on much of the unpaid child-rearing, household and care work.
https://ba-wue.lsvd.de/Is there a difference in pocket money distribution?
Yes, a pocket money difference can be observed throughout childhood. Girls get on average still 11% less than boys - there are no comprehensible reasons for that.
https://stuttgart-gegen-gewalt.de/What was the proportion of women in management positions in companies in Baden-Württemberg in 2021?
Only 27% of all management positions in Baden-Württemberg's companies are held by women. The principle of equal rights in management positions in Baden-Württemberg's economy and administration does not yet correspond to reality. Women continue to be significantly underrepresented at the executive level. Across Germany, the proportion was slightly higher at 28.7 percent.
https://www.nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.de/indikatorenbericht-2022/indikatoren/seite?tx_news_pi1%5BoverwriteDemand%5D%5Bcategories%5D=648&cHash=ed174d0bd8c37810bc47b984504a1a7cWhat is the percentage of women in the current Baden-Württemberg state parliament?
Only 29.2% of all seats in the Baden-Württemberg state parliament are held by women. Here, too, there is a clear imbalance that affects parliaments throughout Germany.
https://www.nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.de/indikatorenbericht-2022/indikatoren/seite?tx_news_pi1%5BoverwriteDemand%5D%5Bcategories%5D=648&cHash=ed174d0bd8c37810bc47b984504a1a7cPlease select a question on SDG 6 - clean water and sanitation
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
How many liters of drinking water does a person in Germany consume on average per day?
Every person in Germany uses an average of 125 liters of water per day. This causes an annual wastewater volume of over 9 billion cubic meters of wastewater per year throughout Germany.
https://refill-deutschland.de/How much more water does a person in Germany use per day (in liters) compared to India?
In Germany, it is 125 liters per day per capita, while in India it is only 55 liters. This results in a difference of 70 liters per day.
http://www.umwelthandbuch-stuttgart.de/ernaehrung/14-ernaehrung/33-stuttgarter-trinkwasser.htmlHow many people worldwide do not have enough clean water?
2.2 billion people worldwide do not have regular access to clean water. Around 785 million people do not even have a basic supply of drinking water. Those most affected are people or families in the poorer regions of the world - and there especially in rural areas.
Where does the drinking water in Stuttgart come from?
From the Donauried and from Lake Constance.
https://www.stadtwerke-stuttgart.de/stadtwerke-stuttgart/ueber-die-stadtwerkestuttgart/Please select a question on SDG 7 - affordable and clean energy
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
How many tons of greenhouse gases could be saved in 2022 by using renewable forms of energy?
At 237 million metric tons, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions avoided has more than doubled in the last 10 years. Renewable energies are pushing hard coal and natural gas in particular out of the German energy mix.
https://www.ews-schoenau.de/In which area is the most energy consumed at home?
On average, 73% of the energy in private households is used for heating. Hot water (14%) and household appliances (8%) consume comparatively little energy.
https://weltlaeden.de/stuttgart/How large is the share of renewable energies in the amount of electricity fed into the grid nationwide?
In 2023, the electricity generated from renewable energies across Germany accounted for 56% of the total amount of electricity fed into the grid.
https://www.destatis.de/DE/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2024/03/PD24_087_43312.htmlBaden-Württemberg is the first federal state to introduce a photovoltaic obligation for new buildings. When did this obligation come into force?
The photovoltaic obligation has been in force in Baden-Württemberg since January 1, 2023, initially for the roofs of commercial buildings and parking lots, but now also applies to private construction projects.
https://um.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/energie/erneuerbare-energien/sonnenenergie/photovoltaik/photovoltaikpflicht/faq-photovoltaikpflicht#:~:text=Ja.Anlage%20zur%20Wärmeerzeugung%20erfüllt%20werden.Please select a question on SDG 8 - decent work and economic growth
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
Since when has the Prostitute Protection Act been in force in Germany?
Since July 1, 2017, there is the law regulating the prostitution business and clear rules for the protection of persons engaged in prostitution.
What has been the statutory minimum wage in Germany since January 2024?
The Bundestag decided that the statutory minimum wage for all employees* will be increased to 12,42 euros per hour as of January 1, 2024.
The Global Slavery Index (GSI) measures involuntary labor (e.g. forced labor, illegal prostitution, child labor). Which SDG is directly violated by involuntary labor?
Since SDG 8 advocates for decent work and economic growth, this SDG is clearly being violated. The Global Slavery Index (GSI) estimates that there are about 167,000 modern slaves in Germany. Accordingly, 2 out of 1000 citizens belong to this group.
What is meant by "growing" the economy?
In the course of a year, a lot of things are produced, for example cars, toys and televisions. These are all so-called goods that have a certain value. The economic performance of a country is calculated from the values of the services and the goods. If this value (the gross domestic product) becomes larger, one speaks of economic growth.
https://wj-stuttgart.de/Please select a question on SDG 9 - industry, innovation and infrastructure
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
Do video conferences have a positive carbon footprint compared to face-to-face events?
According to the University of Freiburg, digital video conferencing saves up to 99.5% CO2 compared to regular events. One day of digital home office per week per worker in Germany alone can save 1.6 million tonnes of CO2 and reduce commuter traffic by around 10.9 billion passenger kilometres.
https://stuttgart.adfc.de/The city of Copenhagen spent approximately €35.60 per citizen per year on cycling. How much was spent per citizen in Stuttgart?
In Stuttgart it was only 5€ per year per person; bike network in Stuttgart ca.205km, in Copenhagen almost 450km, despite much smaller area. As part of the expansion of the cycle network by 2030, this amount is to be increased to 40 euros per inhabitant.
https://www.stuttgart.de/leben/mobilitaet/fahrrad/fahrradstadt-stuttgart.php#:~:text=Das%20Streckennetz%20der%20potenziellen%20Radschnellwegeauf%20125%20Millionen%20Euro%20veranschlagt.What is the most environmentally friendly way to go on vacation?
Traveling by public transportation is the most environmentally friendly. Air travel and cruises in particular should be avoided because they emit a lot of pollutants. In addition, the closer the vacation destination, the better. It also makes sense to travel locally by bus, train, bicycle or on foot.
https://www.genius-community.com/How many million bicycles are there in the 5.2 million households in Baden-Württemberg?
There are around 10 million bicycles in Baden-Württemberg. Families with children under the age of 18 in particular own several two-wheelers in order to be mobile.
https://www.statistik-bw.de/Presse/Pressemitteilungen/2018266Please select a question on SDG 10 - reduced inequalities
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
How has the Corona pandemic affected the wealth of the richest people?
While the economy has slumped, the world's 2,700 billionaires have increased their fortunes by 60 percent during the Corona pandemic. Most added to their fortunes in the booming stock markets, increasing their wealth more than in the entire previous 14 years. This growth is unprecedented in history!
https://die-stadtisten.de/projekte/refugees-welcome-to-stuttgart/On which continent are the ten poorest countries in the world located?
The ten poorest countries are all located on the continent of Africa. Burundi is the poorest country in the world due to its high population growth, wars and crises, and climate change, which particularly affects the African continent and is often the cause of hunger and poverty.
What proportion of global wealth was owned by the richest 1.1% of the world's population in 2022?
At the end of 2022, 1.1 percent of the world's population owned around 45.8 percent of global wealth. By contrast, around 52.5 percent of the world's population owned only 1.2 percent of global wealth.
https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/384680/umfrage/verteilung-des-reichtums-auf-der-welt/#:~:text=Die%20Statistik%20zeigt%20die%20Verteilung2%20Prozent%20des%20weltweiten%20Vermögens.How many cases of hate crime against lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, intersex and queer people (LGBTIQ*) were registered nationwide in 2022?
In 2022, a total of 1422 cases of hate crime against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people (LGBTIQ*) were officially recorded. The official figures only reflect those crimes that are reported and properly recorded. The number has risen again compared to the previous year.
https://www.bmfsfj.de/bmfsfj/aktuelles/alle-meldungen/sven-lehmann-queerfeindlichkeit-entgegenwirken-opfer-besser-unterstuetzen--224796Please select a question on SDG 11 - sustainable cities and communities
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
What is the name of the non-profit organization based in Stuttgart that promotes sustainable construction?
The German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) is the largest network for sustainable building in Europe and focuses on the conscious handling and use of existing resources as well as on minimizing energy consumption and preserving the environment.
https://zirkusmuttererde.de/What does the "mEin Stuttgart, mEine Welt" alliance stand for?
The alliance "mEin Stuttgart, mEine Welt" is committed to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, their implementation in Stuttgart and the development of projects and mobilization for the co-design of the Agenda 2030.
https://www.stuttgart.de/fairtradeEspecially in cities, one consequence of climate change is rising temperatures and urban heat islands. Which of the measures do not contribute to cooling the cities?
To cool cities, there are many construction measures. Light coloured roofs and streets help to keep temperatures down: At a temperature of about 26°C, a dark roof can get as hot as 80°C, compared with 45°C for a light colour and as low as 29°C for a green roof. While not using pesticides helps animals, insects, and plants that live in green spaces, it does not help cool down cities.
Which statement is true? In Baden-Württemberg ...
85% of the population can reach a public transport stop on foot in less than 5 minutes. The frequency of transport services is particularly important for the acceptance and widespread use of public transport: a reliable connection must also be offered outside rush hours, at weekends and in the evening and at night.
https://www.nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.de/indikatorenbericht-2022/indikatoren/seite?tx_news_pi1%5BoverwriteDemand%5D%5Bcategories%5D=639&cHash=ac577f2c55e1c1fdcf9979db1a6cb8bePlease select a question on SDG 12 - responsible consumption and production
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
How many tons of food are thrown in the garbage worldwide every year?
More than two-thirds of the 1.3 billion tons of food thrown away each year is still edible and could be used to feed around 2 billion people, i.e. far more than the 821 million people suffering from hunger. In Germany, 12 million tons are thrown away every year, which corresponds to 75 kg per capita.
https://schlechtmensch.de/Which of the following criteria supports the sustainable production of goods?
Fair working conditions, such as appropriate working hours and sufficient payment for employees, are a very important criterion for sustainable production. Other aspects also include the responsible use of resources, as well as transparency and fair dealings within the company.
https://www.glore.de/Concept-Stores/Stuttgart/How much food does a person in Germany throw away on average per year?
According to the study, each consumer throws away about 75 kilograms of food per year. Although the food ends up in the trash can, it causes environmental pollution (such as climate gases, energy consumption, and water and soil pollution).
What percentage of vehicles registered in Baden-Württemberg in 2022 had an electric or hybrid drive?
In 2022, 5.3 percent of passenger cars registered in Baden-Württemberg - around 359,000 vehicles - had an electric or hybrid drive. To achieve the climate protection targets in the transport sector, every second car in Baden-Württemberg should be climate-neutral by 2030.
https://www.nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.de/indikatorenbericht-2022/indikatoren/seite?tx_news_pi1%5BoverwriteDemand%5D%5Bcategories%5D=638&cHash=de95fd1c146a21406fca1640e01e97d4Please select a question on SDG 13 - climate action
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
What is the day called when humanity has used up all the natural resources that the earth can provide within a year?
This day is called Earth Overshoot Day and falls on 25 July 2024. For comparison: During the pandemic, the day fell on the 22nd of August 2020, 29th of July in 2019 - and 1st of October in 1998.
https://greenwire.greenpeace.de/greenpeace-stuttgarthttps://kus-stuttgart.de/How many tons of greenhouse gases were emitted in Baden-Württemberg in 2021?
In 2021, 73.1 million tons were emitted in Baden-Württemberg. The majority of greenhouse gases are attributable to energy-related CO2 emissions.
https://www.bund-stuttgart.de/https://www.nabu-stuttgart.de/What never belongs in the organic waste garbage bin?
Since cooking oil cannot decompose, it has no place in the organic waste garbage can. Small quantities can be disposed of in the residual waste, but larger quantities should be taken to the recycling centre.
https://www.nabu-stuttgart.de/kinder-und-jugend/kinder-und-jugendgruppen/naturschutzjugend-bw-naju/#gsc.tab=0By when does the state of Baden-Württemberg aim to be net greenhouse gas neutral?
In the fall of 2021, Baden-Württemberg set itself the goal of being net greenhouse gas neutral by 2040. In an interim step, a reduction of at least 65% compared to total emissions in 1990 is to be achieved by 2030.
https://www.nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.de/indikatorenbericht-2022/indikatoren/seite?tx_news_pi1%5BoverwriteDemand%5D%5Bcategories%5D=637&cHash=a80c14d4b90f54cae7bc2f51cf8220bfPlease select a question on SDG 14 - life below water
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
How many kilograms of fish per capita do Germans currently consume on average each year?
In Germany, this figure is around 15 kg per capita, and worldwide as much as 20 kg per year. In return, 80 million tons of fish are taken from the sea by humans every year. As a result, one third of fish stocks are overfished, in the Mediterranean even 90%.
What is not a reason for the poor conditions of our inland waters?
Pesticides from agriculture and discharge of sewage, along with straightening or drainage of streams and rivers, and dams and weirs that do not allow fish migration are reasons for the conditions of our inland waters.
https://fischratgeber.wwf.de/How many tons of plastic waste end up in our oceans every year?
Itis between 5 and 13 million tons per year. This is equivalent to one truck load per minute, and it should not be forgotten that more than 150 million tons of plastic waste are already floating in our oceans.
How long does it take for a plastic bottle to degrade in the ocean?
A plastic bottle takes about 450 years to degrade. But it can take several hundred to thousands of years for plastic to completely decompose. Before that, it just breaks down into smaller and smaller particles. These small, solid and water-unsolvable plastic particles under are called micro plastics and are a major problem because marine animals mistake them for food.
https://vhs-stuttgart.de/vhs-oekostation#c1527Please select a question on SDG 15 - life on land
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
How many species of wild bees are there in Baden-Württemberg?
In addition to the honey bee, there are over 460 different species of wild bees alone in Baden-Württemberg and as many as 580 across Germany. These also include the 37 species of bumblebee. These buzzing pollinators need a varied landscape and a sufficient supply of food and water sources as well as nesting sites. Currently, 60% (and rising) are on the Red List for endangered species.
What is the daily increase in residential, industrial, commercial and transportation land in Germany?
Although the use of new settlement and transport areas has decreased in recent years, 46 hectares of land are still newly sealed every day. It is the most dynamically growing type of use in Germany, growing by 2,438 square kilometres from 2016-2020.
What is the most important farm animal for humans?
Even though it’s tiny, it’s impossible to imagine our ecosystem without the bee. These industrious insects pollinate 80% of our plants. Such as flowers, but also our fruit and vegetable plants, whose fruits we eat every day.
https://vhs-stuttgart.de/vhs-oekostation#c1527How many different bird species are there in Baden-Württemberg?
Of the 9000 bird species worldwide, 200 bird species live in Baden-Württemberg. Baden-Württemberg is also an important place for migratory birds that stop here on their way south.
https://www.lubw.baden-wuerttemberg.de/natur-und-landschaft/vogel#:~:text=Greifvögel%2C%20Singvögel%2C%20Watvögel%2C%20Wasservögelüber%20200%20in%20Baden%2DWürttemberg.Please select a question on SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
It is estimated that over 250,000 children worldwide are forced to work as soldiers. How many have been freed from these conditions in the last ten years?
65,000 of these child soldiers have been freed in the last ten years. Organizations like Unicef worked hard in crisis areas, e.g. South Sudan or the Democratic Republic of Congo, to support the children there.
Which of the following symbols is not internationally known for peace?
The dove of peace is often additionally depicted with an olive branch in its beak as a symbol of peace. In ancient Greece and Rome, the olive branch stood for the respective goddess of peace. The
http://www.kinderbeteiligung-stuttgart.de/By what percentage is the frequency of crime in Baden-Württemberg below the national figure?
In Baden-Württemberg, the frequency of crime is 28% below the national figure. Baden-Württemberg is one of the safest federal states in Germany.
https://www.nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.de/indikatorenbericht-2022/indikatoren/seite?tx_news_pi1%5BoverwriteDemand%5D%5Bcategories%5D=666&cHash=6be7c0bc050ec958494409945298f160What percentage of people over 14 in Baden-Württemberg were involved in society in 2019?
In 2019, volunteering in Baden-Württemberg amounted to 46.1 percent. Over half (60.9%) of non-volunteers are willing to volunteer in the future.
https://www.nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.de/indikatorenbericht-2022/indikatoren/seite?tx_news_pi1%5BoverwriteDemand%5D%5Bcategories%5D=666&cHash=6be7c0bc050ec958494409945298f160Please select a question on SDG 17 - partnerships for the goals
Question for smart kids aged 7 years and older
Stuttgart was twinned with St. Helens for the first time in 1948. What was the reason for the partnership?
Walter Marshall was the first English mayor to visit Germany and the bombed city of Stuttgart, with a delegation. Deeply affected by the destruction of the city, he offered to supply window glass for the repairs from St. Helens, the European centre of glass production at the time.
What are partnerships between cities for?
By learning from each other and sharing experiences, twinning promotes not only tolerance and mutual understanding, but also brings people together, breaks down prejudices, and sets the foundation for European and global rapprochement.
In which country is Stuttgart's twin city Cairo located?
Cairo is located in the northeast of Africa and is the capital of Egypt.
What is the Climate Alliance Baden-Württemberg committed to?
The aim of the joint climate alliance is to systematically implement corporate climate protection and become climate-neutral in the medium to long term. With the climate protection agreement, the climate alliance partners - the state of Baden-Württemberg and the climate-committed company - declare that they will support each other in achieving the political and corporate climate protection goals and work together cooperatively.